Pig farm

Farm Animals

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Sheep transported in a truck

Live Animal Transport

In Europe alone 3.30 millionSheep & goats live transported every year

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10 Facts about Sheep

Did you know that sheep are very gentle animals?

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Sheep are good-natured, patient and trusting. They're social animals and can recognize up to 50 faces! Across the planet they are kept for their wool, an indispensable product in the fashion world. Learn more about these amazing animals and the animal welfare issues they face.

interesting facts about sheep

10 Facts about Sheep

Did you know, that sheep are very gentle animals?

Goat laying in field

Age of Farm Animals

How old would a cow, a pig or a hen live to be if they were not slaughtered?


(That most of us don’t know)

the suffering behind WOol

Wool is one of the clothing industry's favorite products. But many consumers are unaware of the vast animal suffering behind wool production. Sheep are held in cruel conditions, are exposed to painful surgery and are transported for weeks over long distances. 

Animal Welfare & Nutrition

FOUR PAWS promotes to reduce, refine, and replace animal products


what we are doing

FOUR PAWS is pushing to improve conditions in sheep farming. 
