
Helping animals in the Philippines

Volcano ‘Taal’ erupted in the Philippines

Disaster Relief Mission, 2020


On Sunday, January 12th 2020, the Taal Volcano erupted on Luzon Island in the Philippines. The volcano is named one of the most dangerous in the world with around half a million people living with their animals within the 9 miles direct danger zone. 

People in this zone were evacuated as fast as possible but unfortunately lot of animals, owned and feral, were left behind. Ash made it hard for them to breath and thick layers coated everything in sight. The thick and heavy layer destroyed most shelters and it is hard to imagine the horror and fear these animals suffered in these few dark days. 

But where animals are in need, there are humans stepping up to help them. One of the groups that took on the challenge was (AKF). They quickly helped organize the quick response, saving many lives. 

FOUR PAWS was invited to join AKF for an assessment of the volcano island to look for more animals in need. Our disaster relief team helped some communities directly with their animals, providing and distributing over 2000 lbs. of food for pigs, chicken, dogs and cats. When our team came across an injured or suffering animal, they helped the local veterinarian buying medicine and treating them.

This great response from many kind human beings has shown yet again to everyone that animals are important for these communities and should not be forgotten when disaster strikes.  

“The communities around Taal volcano are just beginning to progress towards recovery after the massive volcanic eruption, our team with our local partner organization, Animal Kingdom Foundation, are reducing animal suffering by providing lifesaving emergency food and medicine for animals facing this disaster. FOUR PAWS acts to rescue and protect animals in disasters.” 

-Jackson Zee, Director Disaster Relief Unit at FOUR PAWS

Helping animals after volcano ‘Taal’ erupted in the Philippines

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