Basket full of vegetables in a supermarket


Are leading food retailers prioritizing meat reduction and increasing plant-based foods?  


There are an estimated 80 billion farmed animals worldwide slaughtered for human consumption every year. Their lives are comprised of immense suffering, while the environment and our natural resources are at stake, too. Animal agriculture is one of the leading contributors to the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.

From animal suffering to climate change, global factory farming is destroying our planet!

Meat and dairy production causes significantly more emissions than plant-based foods. Whilst we are seeing more food retailers step up their game towards net zero goals, highlighting the link between climate and factory farming, as well as cutting ties with suppliers sourcing animal-derived products from factory farms, is lacking. Increasing plant-based offerings is a good start, but without clear animal protein reduction targets, they are just supermarkets selling more food and hiding behind offsetting other emissions.

FOUR PAWS conducted a ranking depicting the level of effort and performance of some of the leading food retailers in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and in the United Kingdom on their meat reduction strategies and on their sustainable nutrition initiatives.

As part of the research and analysis, FOUR PAWS sent a questionnaire to the selected food retailers for their input. Those who actively refused participation – Globus (DE), Marktkauf (DE), Penny (AT), Adeg (AT), MPreis (AT), Spar (CH), Denner (CH), Sainsbury's (UK) and Waitrose (UK) – as well as the non-respondents were thus evaluated solely by FOUR PAWS’ research on publicly available information online.

Are the supermarkets taking the necessary steps to reduce the amount of meat offered? Are they expanding their plant-based and innovative animal-free alternatives? See which supermarket is pulling their weight and how they compare to the rest.

Lidl DE

Lidl (DE) - 73%

Lidl AT

Lidl (AT) - 68%

Aldi Süd DE

Aldi Süd (DE) - 66%

Hofer logo AT

Hofer (AT) - 64%

Aldi Nord DE

Aldi Nord (DE) - 63%

Penny DE

Penny (DE) - 63%

Rewe DE

Rewe (DE) - 61%

Coop CH

Coop (CH) - 59%

Kaufland DE

Kaufland (DE) - 59%

Lidl CH

Lidl (CH) - 59%

Aldi Suisse

Aldi Suisse (CH) - 56%

Spar AT

Spar (AT) - 54%

Edeka DE

Edeka (DE) - 53%

Netto Marken-Discount DE

Netto Marken-Discount (DE) - 53%

Billa AT

Billa (AT) - 50%

Morrisons UK

Morrisons (UK) - 47%

Aldi UK

Aldi (UK) - 46%

Sainsbury's UK

Sainsbury's (UK) - 45%

Tesco UK

Tesco (UK) - 43%


M&S (UK) - 42%

Migros CH

Migros (CH) - 42%

Marktkauf DE

Marktkauf (DE) - 41%

Co-op UK

Co-op (UK) - 41%

Volg CH

Volg (CH) - 40%

Waitrose UK

Waitrose (UK) - 37%


ASDA (UK) - 37%

Denner CH

Denner (CH) - 36%

Globus DE

Globus (DE) - 33%

Lidl UK

Lidl (UK) - 33%

Iceland UK

Iceland (UK) - 32%

Penny AT

Penny (AT) - 30%


ADEG (AT) - 29%

Manor Food CH

Manor Food (CH) - 26%

Norma DE

Norma (DE) - 23%

Mpreis AT

Mpreis (AT) - 22%

Unimarkt AT

Unimarkt (AT) - 20%

Spar CH

Spar (CH) - 14%

Globus CH

Globus (CH) - 7%

 Very good

* Abbreviation for United Kingdom (UK), Germany (DE), Austria (AT) + Switzerland (CH) 

The Atlas Challenge ranking is based on FOUR PAWS' assessment. It provides an overview of selected supermarket chains' performance when it comes to progressive food strategies, which support meat reduction as well as the increase of plant-based and innovative animal-free substitutes. The reduction of animal-derived products and the availability of plant-based alternatives are key to help lower greenhouse gas emissions and the impact it has on our planet, as well as on the billions of farmed animals suffering in industrial keeping systems.

For more information, click (revised in August 2022).

The Atlas Challenge Supermarkets Report

You can find the full report here

Did you know?

  • Global greenhouse gas emissions from animal-based foods are twice those of plant-based foods. 
  • Globally, we eat around 318 million tons of meat every year. By 2050, that figure is projected to reach 517 million tonnes.
  • 60% of global diversity loss is caused by the food system. 
  • The European plant-based food sector has grown by 49% in 2 years. 
  • One of the biggest causes of forest loss is the expansion of agricultural land for animal feed production such as soya. 
Three piglets

Food industries must take responsibility

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