Stolen. Killed. EATEN.


Stop the Dog and Cat Meat Trade

Make a Change 

Every year, millions of dogs and cats are mercilessly killed for the dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia. This includes both stray animals and family pets, who are often stolen from their gardens, homes, or snatched while wandering outside. 

These companion animals are crammed into small cages loaded onto trucks or tied onto the back of motorbikes. This results in injuries and the journey often leads to exhaustion and heat stroke before the dogs even reach their destination - the slaughterhouse. 

We’re fighting tirelessly to ease this suffering all over the world and working to put an end to this terrible industry. We are exposing abuses and affecting meaningful change both locally and legislatively, while at the same time, operating rescue missions and running our shelters for cats and dogs who fall victim to the trade. 

Our work is made possible because of generous people like you.  

Monthly giving is a convenient and efficient way to make a lifelong difference for animals in need. A small gift each month will provide food, medical care, and the chance at a new life!   

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What’s the best part about donating monthly? 

When you sign up to give monthly, you’ll become a member of the FOUR PAWS Pride Society – a dedicated community of monthly donors who support animals in need all year long. 

In exchange for your generosity, you will receive: 

A stunning 12-month wildlife calendar full of breathtaking photographs and stories of our animals that you helped save

Monthly e-newsletters to stay informed about FOUR PAWS rescues missions and campaigns

A personal contact at FOUR PAWS USA to address any questions or concerns

Your monthly gift is 100% tax-deductible. As a monthly donor, you will receive an annual statement reflecting the prior year's total contributions.   

Monthly gifts are processed once per month. Your first gift will be charged to your card on the date that your transaction is made. All subsequent charges will occur around the 15th of each month. Automated donations can be changed or discontinued at any time.     

FOUR PAWS International is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.   

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