
support us with your signature

Every signature counts! Don't underestimate the power of online petitions and emails. Join us in giving a voice to animals. 

Here are current ways to take action below: 

Join us in urging the Slovenian government to take action

Together, we can prevent future pandemics

Time to end the brutal mutilation practice of mulesing in Australia 

Help create an animal-friendly fashion future.

We call on governments to ban trade and slaughter of dogs for human consumption.

With almost 50% of the bile bears held in Vietnam, we must end bear farming in Hanoi!

The US embassy in Vietnam is instrumental to ending the dog and cat meat trade in Vietnam once and for all

It's time to ban the commercial trade in big cats!

The tiger is an endangered species. The world lost already over 90 per cent of its tigers and there are only an estimated 3,900 tigers left in the wild.

The global increase of meat consumption comes at a high cost to the billions of factory-farmed animals, and also local wildlife.

Rescued bear cub playing with branch at BEAR SANCTUARY Belitsa

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