Rescue Dog Kovi

Apr 2020

Shelter / Private home

Rescue Dogs Kovi, Kara, Tina

Three dogs found on deaths door


In mid-April, our stray animal care team in Bulgaria have rescued three severely ill stray dogs from an abandoned piece of land outside Sofia. All three dogs, whom the team has named Kovi, Kara and Tina, were on death’s doorstep. They are emaciated, suffering from tick-borne diseases and a severe form of skin disease, which makes them very itchy and uncomfortable. 

In addition, these poor souls are really frightened of humans. Now in the good care of our team in the Bankya clinic, they are receiving medical treatments as well as lots of quality food and love. 

dog with bad skin condition

In addition, these poor souls are really frightened of humans. Now in the good care of our team in the Bankya clinic, they are receiving medical treatments as well as lots of quality food and love…

Update May 2020: Roughly one month after their rescue from an abandoned property, these three dogs have made great progress! Their skin is healing and each of them has gained almost 2 kg. Their hair is slowly starting to grow back and while they are still shy, they are slowly starting to come out of their shells and enjoying human interaction – especially when this involves yummy treats. 

Update July 2020: These three dogs have come along in leaps and bounds. They are almost unrecognizable from their former selves. Very slowly, they are beginning to come out of their shells and are trustful of the clinic staff. Their health has already improved and are now looking for their forever homes with patient new owners who can teach them that life can actually be good!

Stray puppy

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