
Rescued dog, Peter Parker, with tongue hanging out

Feb 2021

Shelter / Private home

Rescue Dog Peter Parker

After narrowly escaping slaughter, he has found love, kindness, and a place to call home


Peter Parker was one of 61 dogs rescued in February 2021, when the Cambodian authorities intercepted the truck that was transporting them to slaughter. This poor boy and 60 other traumatized, injured dogs were transferred into the care of FOUR PAWS in Siem Reap. 

For over a year, Peter Parker has been living with his new-found friends at the FOUR PAWS Adoption Center, waiting for his forever family to come along. That day has finally come!

Peter Parker has been adopted by Pai Samnang and her husband, who wanted another furry family member and companion for their other dog. 

This lucky boy is settling in well and slowly getting to know his adoptive family and his new doggy friend. After all that Peter Parker has been through, it is amazing to see him thriving in a loving home with the wonderful couple who adopted him! 

A dog  in a cage in slaughterhouse in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia

stop the dog and cat meat trade

Help more dogs like Peter Parker. By signing this petition, you can voice your concern and demand that this trade end once and for all!

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